The Parts Driver is responsible for delivering parts to wholesale customers, stocking vending machines, cleaning and stocking the parts department, checking in orders for accuracy and damage, and other basic duties as assigned by management. The ideal candidate has a valid driver's license and a clean driving record and can drive both automatic and standard transmission vehicles. Candidates must be able to work productively in a fast-paced team environment and must have a positive attitude, great communication skills, and the ability to deliver world class customer service.
- Follows all guidelines and safety procedures
- Maintains a high level of customer satisfaction
- Reports any safety or efficiency concerns to management
- Responds to managers' needs
- Delivers parts to wholesale customers
- Checks in new stock for completeness of order and damage
- Makes sure delivery vehicle is maintained and reports any issues to management
- Stocks parts department
- Performs other duties as assigned
- Dedicated to excellence
- Excellent communication skills, verbal and written
- Valid driver's license
- Able to follow spoken and written directions
- Available to work Monday through Saturday
The Driver Position has a Pay Scale consisting of the following elements and ranges. Wages include Base Hourly Compensation of between $16.00 and $18.00